About Us

Rabiya Javeri Agha has been one of senior most female bureaucrats in the Government of Pakistan. She was the first female President of the Pakistan Administrative Service Association, the largest federal association...

Ms. Farkhanda Aurangzeb has vast experience in academia, human rights, law, and gender. She established and headed the Gender Studies Department at the University of Balochistan and was also a visiting...

Mr. Nadeem Ashraf a law graduate and holds a post graduate Diploma in Public Administration from the University of Connecticut, USA and advance certification in Public Sector Management from Harvard University...

Mr. Tariq Javed holds an M.Sc. in Criminal Justice and Police Management from Leicester University, United Kingdom. With 28 years of experience in management roles, he has also dedicated six years to the UN in Mozambique, East Timor, and Sudan where he served as a Human Rights Advisor. His previous roles also include various human rights positions in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region.

Ms. Anis Haroon has a back ground in International Relations and Law with an extensive knowledge of human rights issues in the province of Sindh with a focus on women’s rights. From 2009 to 2012 she served as...

Mr. Manzoor Masih has a background in Political Science from the University of Punjab and has over 35 years of experience advocating for the rights of minorities and interfaith harmony in Pakistan. He also has vast...

Ghulam Murtaza Rana has been an essential figure at the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) since its establishment in 2015, presently holding the position of Acting Secretary designate...

Ms. Farkhanda Aurengzeb, Member Balochistan
Office No 404/174-B, Lane 8, Jinnah Town Quetta
Contact: 051-5595511
Email: member.balochistan@nchr.gov.pk
Official Hrs: 09:00AM to 04:00PM
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Mr. Tariq Javed, Member KPK
First Floor, Benevolent Fund Building, Saddar Road, Peshawar
Contact: 091-9211472
Email: member.kpk@nchr.gov.pk
Official Hrs: 09:00AM to 04:00PM

Mr. Nadeem Ashraf, Member Punjab
23-D/1, FCC, Syed Muratib Ali Road, Gulberg-IV, Lahore
Email: member.punjab@nchr.gov.pk
Official Hrs: 09:00AM to 04:00PM
Ms. Anis Haroon, Member Sindh
State Life Building No. 3, Ground Floor Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, Karachi
Contact: 021-5831002
Email: anisharoon4@gmail.com
Official Hrs: 09:00AM to 04:00PM